Boris And The Dark Survival Crack

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© Provided by The Guardian Photograph: Niklas Halle'N/AFP/Getty Images

Ignore the blustering brinkmanship: there will be a deal between Britain and the EU. This week, next week or in the final second before the clock strikes 12, this Brexit-crazed government will sign on the line.

It needs no crystal ball to foresee a deal. Though this government is disgraceful and dishonest, it is not certifiably insane. It will not kill off the car industry, manufacturing, farming, finance and fishing. It will not cut off security and police relations with Europe. Nor will it want a hard border in Ireland, breaking the Good Friday agreement. And nor will it freeze friendship with the new US president, nor leave relations with our nearest neighbours and traders irreparably rancorous.

The Faragists, and the hardcore MPs in the European Research Group, want that door-slam, still seeking the forever unattainable sovereignty phantasm. But for Boris Johnson’s Brexit cabinet, this is the moment of truth. Finally ministers have to face up to the futility of what they have done: they will struggle to deny their Brexit idea was a lie, never available. For the Brexiteers, Johnson’s deal will fail miserably. That’s because any deal would always trade some of that sovereignty fairy dust for something more tangible – such as no massive tariff on British beef.

© Photograph: Niklas Halle'N/AFP/Getty Images ‘Our 12,000 fisher folk were shamefully exploited as Brexit visual aids.’ A ‘Fishing for Leave’ boat sails past the Houses of Parliament, 15 June 2016.

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However hard he bluffs and fibs to disguise the inconvenient truth, Johnson will sign a deal that agrees to align with EU standards on working rights, animal welfare, the environment and much else. For any future divergences there will be an adjudications body, which may or may not be the European court of justice.

Fish will be reapportioned, with complexity and transitions that try to shield the hard fact: we took back control of our waters in theory, but gave it up in the same breath because there is no fishing industry without that vital EU market to buy more than 70% of our catch. Our 12,000 fisher folk were shamefully exploited as Brexit visual aids; everyone knew they were destined to be sold down the Channel. This is the last bitter cod-liver oil pill that UK negotiators are struggling to swallow, but they will.

Lawbreaking clauses in the internal markets bill repudiating last year’s EU withdrawal agreement will be abandoned. The Northern Ireland protocol will stand – so there will be a border down the Irish Sea, with customs posts. That’s despite Johnson pledging, “There’s no question of there being checks on goods going from Northern Ireland to Great Britain or Great Britain to Northern Ireland.”

Video: Barnier: 'Determination' in Brexit talks (Sky News)

Those who shout betrayal will be dead right. Everyone who voted Brexit, or for Johnson, believing his magical cake-and-eat-it deal was oven-ready will be betrayed. His party’s manifesto read: “Boris Johnson’s new deal takes the whole country out of the EU as one United Kingdom.” No, Northern Ireland is left out. And watch another crack in the union open under an SNP victory in next May’s Holyrood elections. Betrayed are any who believed last year’s Tory manifesto unicorn: “Get Brexit done – and we will see a pent-up tidal wave of investment into our country.”

Related: The more the Tories' cronyism is indulged, the more their sense of entitlement grows | Nesrine Malik


A deal was always inevitable because the rules laid out by Margaret Thatcher’s single market are crystal clear: the more you want to trade with the market, the more you must conform to it. Johnson will attempt whoops of Waterloo triumph as he tries to smear lipstick on his pig of deal. The EU will politely suck lemons, though Emmanuel Macron may spit back.

Boris And The Dark Survival Crack

Here’s the verdict from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) on the deal, hidden in annexes and unearthed by Jill Rutter for UK in a Changing Europe. The deal will cause a 4% drop in GDP. Even the pandemic won’t hide the Brexit hit to manufacturing and finance, as mountainous red tape includes 270m customs declarations (as opposed to 55m now) and 50,000 new customs agents. New customs IT will only go live on 23 December; road hauliers have no handbooks; lorry parks are unfinished. No wonder the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, was silent on Brexit in his spending review last week.

All ministers have been forced to look over the no-deal abyss. That’s why they know they face the worst of all worlds: they will eat their words and betray fellow Brexiters, yet still carpet-bomb the country’s economy.

Labour must hose down victory cheers for this deal with an icy shower of contempt. Naturally, Labour says it will examine the deal first. But then Keir Starmer must forensically shred its 700 pages. Those arguing that voting for it might bring back “red wall” seats are fighting the last war: voting for it is to own it, and its effects will be painfully clear by the next election. David Cameron backed the Iraq war and it hamstrung his later attacks on its calamitous consequences.

As shadow Brexit secretary, Starmer laid out six tests. The key demand was to meet the Tories’ pledge to deliver the “exact same benefits” we get from the single market and customs union.

The upcoming deal will spectacularly fail that test: voting for it risks Starmer’s reputation for straight-dealing. The border chaos, shortages on shelves, even medicines delayed may last for months, but the OBR and Bank of England have exposed deeper damage to come: it will have been an opposition’s duty to oppose it. Abstention is not pusillanimous, but the only honourable option.

And there’s also the possibility that Johnson’s delays might mean a deal comes too late for parliament to vote on it. So at the very least, Labour should not decide how to vote until it sees the bill.

Of course, Labour could be obliged to vote for it and save the nation if a humiliated Johnson can’t stop his MPs voting it down. But that’s unlikely; and to vote for this atrocious deal in any other circumstance would be Starmer’s first serious mistake.

  • Polly Toynbee is a Guardian columnist

Vicki Vale paced back and forth as she waited for her cameraman to finish setting up. She glanced up at the large, dark gates of Arkham City for what felt like the twentieth time. 'Are we almost ready?' She asked, agitated. The speech was about to start.


He hefted the large camera up onto his shoulder and gave her a thumbs up. 'Rolling soon,' he announced. Vicki stood in front of him, her microphone before her. 'In three… two… one.'

'This is Vicki Vale,' she began, 'reporting live from Arkham City, the controversial super prison build right here in the heart of Gotham. In a few moments, Bruce Wayne will be live on stage to explain his sudden interest in Gotham politics. The infamous playboy millionaire has never been one to—'

'It's billionaire, Vicki,' Bruce Wayne said as he brushed past her with a charming smile on his face.

Vicki's heart skipped a beat but kept her face stony for the sake of professionalism. She would never deny she found Bruce Wayne, Gotham's most eligible bachelor, handsome. Not with the tall, muscular physique, dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a smile that made all women around him swoon.

She motioned for the camera to focus on the stage where Bruce walked up the stairs to take the podium. As he did so, more reporters crowded around. All of them were taking pictures like mad, lighting up the stage with the bright flashes.

Car mechanic simulator 2018 - chrysler dlc download for mac osx. 'Thank you,' Bruce spoke. 'Thank you Gotham!'

Bruce gestured to the Arkham City walls behind him. 'Imprisoned behind these walls, gang leaders are fighting a bloody war in the middle of our once great city. Every inmate from Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison has been relocated to this facility. How can this be safe for the people of Gotham? Today, I'm starting the campaign to close Arkham City and make Gotham safe again.'

Vicki turned when she heard tires squealing. She gasped when she saw the black TYGER trucks come to a stop in front of the rally. Men in black armor poured out from the vans, all wielding guns.

She heard someone shout, 'Surround him!' and then the sounds of hissing. She coughed as tear gas began emiting from the thrown canisters on the ground. She ran away from the ruckus, wishing she could stay to film it but the tear gas was too much.

But as soon as she could start breathing again, she looked back to the podium. She caught a glimpse of Bruce Wayne crumbling to the ground and two TYGER men dragging him away. They just arrested Bruce Wayne!

'Did you get that?' She barked to her cameraman. 'Put the camera on me!'

He complied and she was already talking. 'This is Vicki Vale reporting live from Arkham City. Bruce Wayne has just been arrested by TYGER. We don't know the reason why but I will keep you updated as the story develops. I repeat, Bruce Wayne has just been arrested!'


Henry should have stayed back at the camp. But here he was, yet again, scouring the Bowery with Boris searching for any signs of Lilli. 'I think we should consider the possibility she's dead,' Henry said heavily as he stamped his feet in an effort to get warm. But as he said those words, his stomach clenched painfully.

'No,' Boris replied stubbornly. 'I won't stop until we find her.'

'We're in Arkham City, Boris. She's most likely dead. How many people have disappeared and were never seen again? Face the truth Boris. She's not coming back!' Henry exploded.

Boris shook his head, his jaw clenched. 'She can't be. She's a fighter.'

'Even the strongest person can die here. There's nowhere to run and Batman certainly won't be coming to our rescue.' Henry trailed off. He hadn't meant to come off so harsh but Boris was obsessed with finding Lilli and making she was okay. But their search had been fruitless. 'It's time we acknowledge that she's gone.'

Boris's shoulders sagged and Henry knew his words reached him. 'You're right,' Boris agreed. 'You're right,' he repeated.

'I know,' Henry said finally.

Boris looked at Henry and then his gaze flickered to something behind Henry's shoulder. A look of pure horror grew on Boris's face. 'H-Henry,' Boris croaked.

Henry turned around. Three men wearing parkas and masks that resembled penguin faces stood at the mouth of the alley. Henry's mouth went dry.

'Well, well, well,' one drawled as he tapped his baseball bat against the ground. 'What have we here?'

Henry shook his head and held his hands up in a gesture of surrender. 'We don't want any trouble,' he pleaded. 'We'll leave the Penguin's territory right away.'

The three men laughed. 'Oh you'll be leaving alright,' the leader said. 'But only after you learn your lesson about wandering in the Penguin's territory without his permission.'

The three men struck at once. The man holding the bat swung at Henry and hit Henry's shoulder. Henry heard something crack and he let out a howl of pain.

'Henry!' He heard Boris shout.

Boris barreled into one of the men, catching him by surprise and knocking him down. Then Boris lifted his boot and brought it down on the fallen man's face.

'Oi!' The third man barked and charged Boris. In a surprisingly nimble move, Boris dodged him and then took off for the mouth of the alley. The two remaining men went after him.

Henry realized what Boris did. He provoked the goons into following him so Henry could get away to safety. And Henry ran, running in the opposite direction. He ran until he felt stitches in his sides. He slowed, wheezing.

He should be in the clear now, he decided. He could make his way back into Park Row from here, hopefully. God, he hoped Boris got away.

Henry turned around, intending to loop around, and felt something slide through his coat. He lost his breath as he watched a silver knife slowly extract itself from his body. 'What?' He said faintly and looked up.

And screamed.


Lilli was an idiot. In her blind panic after being attacked by one of Edward's men she ran until she nearly collapsed in the streets. She saw an partially open window and clambered inside, slamming the window shut. She hid in the abandoned bathroom. And when she emerged again, she realized she ran right back into the Bowery.

She hadn't thought about the direction she wanted to run in. She only thought about putting as much distance between her and the man who tried to take her. And now she was back in the thick of Penguin's territory.

Lilli climbed back out the window. The ACE Chemical building was to her left and she knew the church wasn't too far away. And the camp not far from there.

But as she started down the alleyway, she heard it. Someone was crying for help. 'Hellllp!'

Every fiber of Lilli's being was warning her to stay away. But it was as if her body was on auto-pilot and she found herself walking towards the source of the noise.

'Help… For the love of God, someone please help me!'

She saw him at the end of another alley. There were dark puddles leading up to his body and Lilli instantly recognized them as blood. The blood led up to a coat-clad body, slumped against a dumpster. As she got closer, she saw his face. 'Henry?'

Henry blinked up at her hazily through blood falling from the cuts on his head. 'Lilli?' He said and coughed. 'You're alive?'

She saw his coat, glistening with blood, and sprung into action. She pulled her coat off and knelt by his side. 'Where are you hurt?'

'Stomach,' Henry grunted. 'He had a knife..'

Lilli moved his arms aside and unzipped his coat. She peeled the coat away and pressed her own coat to the wound, putting on pressure. She knew a stomach wound here was a death sentence. There wasn't anywhere she could get him with medical supplies. He'd need disinfectant, pain killers, and clean bandages and she needed something to suture the wound shut. But she wouldn't give up. She couldn't leave him here to die in the cold.

'You're going to be alright,' she tried to reassure him but her arms wavered. 'What happened?'

'Penguin's men… found us. Boris got them to follow him as he ran for it. I tried to hide but then…' He let out a shuddering gasp. 'Lilli,' he gurgled. 'You need to run. Get out of here.'

'I can't leave you,' she argued. 'You'll die.'

'I'm already a dead man,' Henry babbled. 'He wants my face.'

Lilli didn't know what he meant but she chalked it up to the blood loss. 'Just try to rest,' she said.

But he shook his head. He reached up weakly and wrapped a bloody hand around her arm. 'Lilli,' he whimpered. 'Listen to me. It's my fault.'

'I—what? What are you talking about?' She asked in confusion.

'It's my fault you're here,' Henry confessed. 'I worked for Strange… I was the one—the one who flagged your file when you made an illegal copy of a file at Arkham. If I hadn't reported it to Strange, you wouldn't be there. I'm so sorry.'

Lilli was stunned. 'I—' She started.

'Please forgive me. I didn't know what he was going to do or else I wouldn't have reported it.' She saw tears leaking down his face.

She didn't relieve the pressure on his stomach but she nodded. 'I forgive you,' she whispered. And she did. All of them were victims of Strange's twisted fantasy. It did them nothing to point fingers at one another.

'Lilli,' Henry gasped. 'Please find my wife—Delilah—and my daughter, Avery. Tell them I love them and I'm sorry.' His grip on her arm tightened and he stared at her with wide eyes. 'Promise me.'

She nodded. 'I promise,' she said.

He grinned. 'Thank you.' He coughed up blood. 'Now go before he comes back.'

'Henry..' Lilli murmured. Tears were forming in her eyes now. 'I..'


And she did. She stood and ran, leaving Henry behind. I will find your family, Henry, she thought. I will survive this hellhole and I'll find them.

The third alleyway she came out, she found herself standing before a group of men striding her way. Before she could back up and take a different way, she heard someone snarling, 'Bruce Wayne broke my bloody wrist!'

She saw the penguin masks and then her eyes landed on the short man leading the other men. There was no mistaking the cruel sneer and the bottom of a beer bottle lodged into one eye. Oswald Cobblepot, the Penguin.

Lilli wanted to scream. She wanted to cry and beat her fists against the ground as she watched the Penguin walk towards to her. But she was frozen as she watched the men come closer. The Penguin didn't seem to notice her as he kept going on about his wrist but one of his men did. He pointed at her and said, 'Mr. Penguin, sir.'

She took a step back as the Penguin's good eye gazed at her. 'Who's this?' She heard him ask.

That spooked her into action and she turned to flee. Behind her, she heard the Penguin bark orders to his men. She made it around the corner before a body slammed into her from behind. She went crashing to the ground. Lilli curled into a ball, holding her aching limbs.

But a pair of hands curled around her arms and then she found herself hauled up to her feet. 'Please,' she babbled but she knew that word had no meaning anymore. Not in Arkham City.

'Shut up,' the man predictably snarled.

He dragged her back out onto the street and shoved her back down on her knees. She felt the man's hand thread through her hair as he yanked her head up so she was looking the Penguin in the eyes.

Boris And The Dark Survival Online

Up close, the Penguin was shorter than the news made him out to be. And she could see where the flesh and bone wrapped around the bottle stuck in his eye socket. It would take a hell of a surgery to get that out, Lilli thought. Her eyes traveled down to his wrist which was twisted at an unnatural angle; it was obviously broken. The Penguin scowled at her and her eyes snapped back up to his face.

'Who are you?' He asked.

A stupid idea came to her. 'Doctor Lilith Collins,' she blurted. Stupid but it might just save her life.

The Penguin's brow furrowed. 'A doctor?' He repeated. 'A bit of a coincidence to find a doctor now in Arkham City. You ain't yanking my chain, are ya?'

Lilli shook her head. 'No,' she said. 'I used to work at Gotham General.'

The Penguin dangled his broken wrist in her face. 'You sayin' you can fix this?' He demanded.


The Penguin looked to his men for several seconds. 'We take 'er along to the Museum.'

'You sure boss?' The man holding Lilli asked.

'Of course. If she can patch up my hand, I won't kill 'er as fast. But if she can't..' The Penguin chuckled darkly and a shiver went down Lilli's spine. 'Well, I've got lots of new, fun toys to play with to make the end of her life as painful as possible.'


Boris And The Dark Survival

And that concludes chapter twenty-five! The events of Arkham City have just begun so that means we're moving into the end game. So yes, that means this story is almost at its end.

Boris And The Dark Survival Hack

So now Lilli has met the Penguin and that makes all three of the major rogues accounted for. I don't know if she's lucky for it or unlucky. But so far she's made it out (relatively) unscathed. But will she keep her lucky streak going? Or is Penguin going to be her undoing?


Reviews, favorites, and follows are love! See ya in chapter twenty-six!